July 26th-30th
The Granados family including: Rosie & Tony, Tony Jr. & Cami, Alyssa, Jacob, Nathan, Joshua, Jayden, Zoram & Carol, Aimee, Nicole, Adam, Lehi, Seth &Tanya, Enrique, Ariela & Mario, Roxanna & Jarom, Isaac, Ethan and Elaine all went camping in Zion National Park (hopefully Nefi & Michelle, Elias and Nefito can join us next year.)
Thursday everyone settled into camp. We were the only ones there in the group site area. A deer walked right through our campsite, the kids loved it! That night Tony said he saw a wild animal by the bathroom.
Friday we all piled into the shuttle buses to see the sights in Zion and hike the Emerald Pools. On the way back from our hike it started to sprinkle, then to pour, so we all rushed back to our campground to check our rain flies and huttle under our canopys. The rain passed quickly and we were all dried out by night fall.
Saturday after Grandpa and Mario joined us, we rode the bus out to the Temple of Sinawava and hiked the Narrows of Zion. At the end of the paved trail the kids and some of the adults stayed behind to play in the water while Seth, Tony, Lehi, Isaac, Carol, Mario, Ariela, Jarom and Zoram hiked through the water deeper into the canyon.
Sunday we all cleaned ourselves as best we could and attended sacrament meeting at the Springdale ward just a mile outside of Zion. It was sweet and memorable to sing "Come to Zion" on our trip to Zion National Park. After church we drove through the tunnels and admired the beauty of the checkerboard mountain, some hiked the wiggles then we came back to camp and ate. Later that afternoon, most everyone packed up and headed home.
Monday, Seth, Tanya and Enrique packed up the last of camp, bought some souvieners and headed out.
Now we have next year to look forward to.