Seth thought this looked incredibly funny. She was sitting just fine and then decided to flip as I trimmed her toe nails, it had to be done.

Thank you Mrs. Collard for making Enrique "King for the Day," when I was terribly sick. This little guy has been my biggest helper and deserved some solid recognition, especially while his mom was dead in bed. Give me an "E", give me a "N", give me a "R"...
I know he loved this so much because he cheered it around our home the rest of the week.

Did I mention what a great helper he is? This is Rique making the family meatloaf. He asked me if I mix it with my hands too, nope I use a spoon. I thought the stirring with a spoon would be a big mess with him so I had him squish it with his fingers, it was great.

I am not a bad mother. We got the bath water running and then the phone rang, when I came to put Aurora in, she was already in, clothes and all. This girl loves to take baths. I think she used her potty to climb in, I'm glad she made it in safely.

My poor daughter rarely gets her hair done anymore, hopefully that'll change once I've recovered from this baby. Seth wants to cut her bangs, I will not have it. He protests because her hair is a mess without some up keep, so here's our compromise: a headband. Now if only she'd keep it on. Seth is determined to train her to wear it. Oh and she loves to pick her nose, yuk!

Here she is again wearing her headband, and smiling. Seth had Rique take these pictures while I was at YW and he was building our bed, I'm so excited for the finished bed.