Friday, November 14, 2008

Will someone get this monkey off my back?

Our Princess Aurora did not want to play nicely by herself as I prepared dinner and did dishes. She wanted to be held. So I strapped her in the pack and had Rique carry her around while I got the dinner ready...just kidding. I carried this monkey on my back for near an hour, she was happy to be part of everything, and I was happy she wasn't fussing. However, my shoulders are feeling it now.
We took this picture with Aurora and Rique just before the two of them tipped over.

Apples, Apples, Apples, and more Apples

I've been peeling apples all the live long day. I've made bottles of applesauce and applebutter. And now I'm finally done. There are a few more apples on my tree, but I'm hoping to do carmel apples with them.

Aurora kept busy by playing with and eating mushed carrots. As you might've guessed, Rique took all the pictures. This kid needs his own camera.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snow Snow Snow

These pictures were taken a little after 8 this morning. Usually I have to coax Enrique into getting dressed. Today, he did it all on his own without delay or suggestion. Our backyard is a winterwonderland for our son.
Snow covered everything. I love looking at it in the morning untouched.

These pictures were all taken from the warmth of my house.

This is Seth as he heads off to work in the snow, I know we're silly, but its exciting for us.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Pumpkin Carving Time

This is our gordita covered in food, I think more got on her than in her. Please don't mistake Enrique's face for a smile. He was not impressed by the gooey stuff inside the pumpkin.
My job was to carve the pumpkin, Seth's job was to take out the stuff I carved and Enrique's job was to scoop out the pumpkin guts. Seth ended up doing both his and Rique's jobs.

I think we bribed him with candy to keep scooping.

I should have taken a picture of the finished product, it turned out great.


Halloween is fun, trick or treating is great, but Enrique prefers handing out candy to the kids in our neighborhood.
This is our family all dressed up for Halloween at the bank.

Rora's a frog, Rique's the Karate Kid, I'm a Halloween cheerleader with pants, and Seth is a stay at home dad with my cabbage patch kid strapped to the front of him. This was taken before any of the festivities began, as you can tell, we are all full of energy and smiles.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Camera's in the car and I keep forgetting to bring it in

I feel terrible its been so long since I've posted anything (sorry mom).
I have been taking pictures and soon I'll remember my head and bring the diaper bag in from the car and put the pictures on the computer.

The other night, our home teacher came over and was teaching Enrique about President Uchtdorf and the lesson from the Ensign.
It went something like this...
"Enrique, do you know what a pilot is?"
"What does a pilot do?"
"Kill Jesus."
Our sweet son got things a little mixed up, I was amazed at how he put things together.
We quickly straightened things out and had him flying a paper airplane around the room.