Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Photo Shoot

As we were waiting around to go to the festival. I thought we'd take some photos of our darling Mei Mei.
I love the expressions she's making these days.I found this piece of tulle in our diaper bag, it proved to be the perfect hair accessory for Rora.I thought she was doing such a good job, we'd try and take some professional shots on our own. The baby blanket makes a perfect backdrop.

She's getting so strong.
She's a doll.

She was doing so well, I thought we'd try her sitting up.She's not quite that strong yet.Luckily, Big Brother was at her side to pick her up.He loves her so much, and is such a great help with his sister.
He keeps asking if we can have more, "4 kids and 4 girls."