Today's purchases included:
safety bed rail:1.95
2 pairs of sandals for Rora: 4.00
maternity capris: 1.95
Folding Beach Chair: .90
Soccer Ball: .60
Time spent finding fun deals while Rique and Rora were entertained by grandparents: Priceless

Our family
Aurora has started spinning/dancing in circles. I don't know why she does it, where she got it from or when it'll happen, but here she is and boy does she look cute doing it. Apparently the bent arm is essential to the dance.
Here's the video you asked for Seth. As you can tell, he still needs to practice the song a bit more, but I'm sure he'll be ready for it when you come. Only four more days.
We ended the day with a great fish fry at Seaward Fish and Chips and even tried fried Artichoke Hearts for the 1st time. As you can see, Enrique was very tired from all of the days play and is completely zonked out on the table. He woke up at the very end to eat two corn dogs.
Nathan and Aurora both love to dance. Here they are on top of a boogie board at the beach. Nathan takes such great care with Aurora, its very sweet.