Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dinosaur Museum

Thank you Great Grandma for the $1 we got in the mail for Rique's 1/2 birthday. He loves the card and refers to the chubby penguins often.

This is what we did with the dollar. Thanksgiving point has $2 Tuesdays in the month of August. I remembered about it the last Tuesday of August in the afternoon, better late than never.

As soon as I did, I got everyone dressed and loaded in the car for a fieldtrip to see the dinosaurs.
Rique thinks this is cool. The exhibits were wonderful.
Aurora was such a good baby to stay in her stroller, most of the time.
Rique was so excited, he rushed from one thing to the next.
It was so neat how they had all these scenes set up in different rooms, I would think that we were done and then there'd be another room with more things to see.

Rique being silly.
Towards the end of the museum there were many hands on play things for kids. Rique participated in this drawing table. I was so impressed with his picture of a dinosaur.
I'll post the picture tomorrow.
This was a large dinosaur body that kids could add limbs to, to create their own dinosaur.
When Rique pushed these buttons, lights lit up on the map to tell where various dinosaurs were found. Pressing buttons was fun.
This was a rubbing exercise. I was so happy that Rique wanted to do all these activities.
This room was so crowded, but so fun for our Enrique. There was a giant sand and water table that covered the room. In the table there was water, sand, little trees and dinosaurs.

All the kids made their own dino scenes.

I held Aurora so she could see what all the excitement was about.
They even had cool little aprons for the kids to wear.
He's creating a mountain.

Look at that face, all the chaos was so worth it.

Rique riding a dinosaur.
Too cute.
With a little help from some blankets, Aurora was able to sit forward in her stroller.
Rique plays with Rora.
This last exhibit was Rique's favorite. The room was full of two large sandboxes that had dinosaurs to excavate with I'd have more picutres, but I was nursing Rora as he played.


Grandma_Jan said...

Looks like alot of fun! So Thanksgiving point is also a museum. The part I remember is the lights in a garden.

Tanya said...

Thanksgiving Point is great.
Not only do they have a garden and museum, but they also have a movie theater, small farm/zoo, pony and tractor rides, as well as the largest man made waterfalls in the US. I've only been to the farm and museum, and the garden a long time ago.